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20 Aug, 2024 12:14

Dutch government pressed to ‘reconsider’ ties with Kiev

Far-right MPs have asked top officials to comment on reports that Germany suspects Ukrainian involvement in the sabotage of Nord Stream
Dutch government pressed to ‘reconsider’ ties with Kiev

Several Dutch MPs from the right-wing Party for Freedom (PVV) have grilled the country's government whether it is prepared to “reconsider” relations with Ukraine, should it be found to have sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline.

Three PVV members, including leader Geert Wilders, submitted a written query to the country’s top officials, including Prime Minister Hendrikus Schoof, on Thursday asking for their reaction to recent reports alleging that Germany had issued the first arrest warrant related to the Nord Stream explosion in September 2022.

One of the main suspects is reportedly a Ukrainian national identified as ‘Vladimir Z.’

Against this backdrop, the MPs inquired whether the Dutch government believed that Ukraine was indeed behind the attack, and whether Dutch intelligence had received any information about Kiev’s possible involvement.

They also asked whether the officials “agree that the attack on energy infrastructure that is also relevant to us is a very serious crime.” 

“Do you agree that if Ukraine were indeed behind this attack, this could not remain without consequences for the relationship between the Netherlands and Ukraine? Are you prepared to reconsider that relationship?” the lawmakers added.

In a separate letter, they also asked for comment on a Wall Street Journal report claiming that Vladimir Zelensky gave the initial order to bomb the crucial pipeline connecting Russia and Germany which, prior to the Ukraine conflict, was responsible for a significant share of EU gas imports. Ukraine has denied any involvement.

“If it is true that President Zelensky knew in advance about the attack, can you indicate what the consequences are? If not, why not?” the letter read.

Many have questioned the Ukrainian leader’s legitimacy after his presidential term officially ended in May.

While Dutch government officials have yet to respond, Foreign Minister Caspar Veldkamp previously said that despite the WSJ report, “we stand firmly behind Ukraine and support the country in the fight against Russia,” adding that “the entire cabinet is behind this.” He also refrained from speculating on the culprits behind the attack until the investigation is completed.

The PVV, which holds 37 of the 150 seats in the lower house of the Dutch parliament, has been skeptical about helping Ukraine, with Wilders arguing that the Netherlands should focus on its own defense.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused US intelligence services of having orchestrated the sabotage, suggesting that “not everyone” has the technological capabilities to carry out such an attack.
